Earth Day 2024 and how plastics are bad for the Earth

Today is Earth Day, which is celebrated every year. It started in 1970 when two American politicians named Senator Gaylord Nelson and Representative Pete McCloskey had an idea. They wanted to help the Earth and make people aware of the problems it was facing.

Concept Img of pollution and dependence on plastic

Back then, there were many problems like wars and pollution. People were worried about things like air and water pollution, and they wanted to do something about it. Senator Nelson talked about it on TV and convinced Representative McCloskey to help him.

They asked a young activist named Denis Hayes to help organize events at colleges. They chose April 22 because it was a good time for students to join in. On April 22, 1970, many Americans came together to show they cared about the Earth.

Their actions made the government make new laws to protect the environment. These laws helped make the air and water cleaner and safer for everyone.

Now, in 2024, Earth is still in trouble. There's too much plastic in the world, and it's hurting animals and the environment. People are trying to use less plastic and find better ways to deal with it.

Here are some important facts about plastic:

- Since 1950, people have made 9.1 billion tons of plastic.

- Most of this plastic is still sitting in landfills or in nature.

- Americans buy 50 billion plastic water bottles every year.

- People around the world use about 5 trillion plastic bags every year.

- Americans throw away 25 billion Styrofoam cups every year.

- Every year, 14 million tons of plastic end up in the oceans.

- There could be more plastic than fish in the oceans by 2050.

- Each year, the average American drinks water with about 70,000 tiny bits of plastic in it.

- There's a lot more plastic on land than in the oceans.

- There are ways to clean water to get rid of plastic, but we need to use them more.

- We can use less plastic and find better things to use instead.

If you want to learn more about Earth Day and these facts, you can visit this website:

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